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New Members Program

Northwest Quilters is unique among local quilt guilds in offering a program designed specifically to meet the needs of new members. Members are considered “new” for the first 12 months of membership and are given special attention in the form of monthly social and educational get-togethers, designated seating at general meetings, and a dedicated liaison for any and all questions related to NWQ (that’s me, Joyce Swift). The goal is to welcome, orient, and integrate members and help everyone find activities of interest. It’s truly a win-win!


The typical scheduling pattern for new member meetings is this: in months with a morning general meeting, new member meetings are held in the church kitchen immediately following the general meeting (bring a sack lunch). In months with an evening general meeting, new member meetings are scheduled midday on the 3rd Saturday at Joyce Swift’s home (potluck luncheon). Both venues often include an informational component by a committee chair or other NWQ leader, describing what is involved in their specific area. It’s a good way to get to know others and make friends, to put a face with a name, and to learn about the smorgasbord of activities NWQ has to offer.


I encourage all new members to take part in this program as often as possible during the first year of your membership. For those of you who are no longer “new” but who wish to continue to participate in the new member activities… know that you are welcome, as well!

Dedicated liaison (that's me, Joyce Swift for any & all questions related to NWQ.